December 30, 2011

My new project.

Three things.

First, I'm seeing Aretha Franklin perform tonight.
Second, New Year's is just around the corner. I don't have many resolutions, but I do have a big project I am working on. However, feedback on this project is well needed and much appreciated so please comment!

What I am trying to do is to consolidate all the happenings of Provo/Orem into one calendar (and should I expand?). It's a bit of a taxing experiment so I want to know if I should continue or not.
Click above or here to see the calendar. (Also, go to the January calendar to start seeing events.)
The reason I named it The Calendar Owl is first, because I like owls (the song may have had an impact on such an adoration of the animal). Second, I've practically become nocturnal trying to get the event details/finding places and I've become an owl.

Third, some of my resolutions include...
1. Drinking more water.
2. Getting over my fear of the bicycle.
3. Learning Cantonese fast....before I go off to Hong Kong for the summer.
4. Working my butt off in order to get into the PR program.
5. Tweeting more.

And that's really all I can think of now...

Happy New Year, my friends. Take a cup of kindness yet, for days of auld lang syne.

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